The Interdepartmental Service Agreement (ISA) is the contract that documents the business agreement (joint venture) between two Commonwealth departments within any branch of state government.
The ISA must comply with funding language in any appropriation act (General Appropriations Act, interim budget, or supplemental budget) funding the ISA, as well as all applicable general and special state or federal laws, regulations, policies, and procedures.
Effective Tuesday, September 5, 2023, the Office of the Comptroller has released a new Interdepartmental Service Agreement (ISA) Policy and Form.
The updated policy is available at this link [PowerDMS login required] and publicly at advertisementingurugrammetrostation.com/policies. Major changes to the policy include:
- Cohesive flow of information
- Links to governing regulation and other policies
- Condensed and clarified presentation of topics
The updated form is available at macomptroller.org/forms. Department users may complete the form electronically using a fillable PDF or Word document and submitting the fully executed ISA along with the Encumbrance Transmittal Form to [email protected].
After December 1, 2023, please make no further use of previous versions of the ISA Form. CTR will not accept any new or amended ISAs using the previous version of the ISA form after December 1, 2023.
Major changes to the ISA form include:
- Easy to complete fillable PDF or Word document options
- Anticipated Start Date options, like the Standard Contract Form
- Links to the ISA regulation, Terms & Conditions, Instructions, and revised ISA Policy